Yoga for Vata Dosha

Vata is characterized by mobility, cold, lightness, and expansiveness. If you are of Vata constitution or are experiencing a Vata imbalance, add opposing qualities, both in types of asanas and how vigorously you practice. These adjustments will bring support and grounding back into your lifestyle.

  1. Practice at a reduced intensity. Slow and steady wins the race.
  2. Wear long sleeves and pants, or be sure that you are warm throughout the practice.
  3. Begin your practice with sun salutations to increase body heat right out of the gate.
  4. Poses such as Virabhadrasana I (Warrior), Child’s Pose, supported Malasana (low squat), and Happy Baby Pose support Vata.
  5. Do not overexert yourself in the intensity of poses or duration of your workout.
  6. Hug muscles in and up to your core; keep your entire body engaged throughout your practice to create stability.
  7. Keep grounded with the earth; whether your feet or hands are bracing you, keep them deeply rooted and connected.
  8. Sama Vritti Pranayama, or equal-breath breathing, calms the autonomic nervous system and naturally reduces stress in the body.
  9. End your practice with a long and restorative relaxation pose while staying warm and preserving your body heat.

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