What Is Ama?
Ama is what we refer to as “toxins" in ayurveda. Read on to understand exactly what ama is, signs of too much ama and how to get rid of it.
Read moreAma is what we refer to as “toxins" in ayurveda. Read on to understand exactly what ama is, signs of too much ama and how to get rid of it.
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Read moreThe Pitta Dosha (fire and water) is responsible for metabolism and transformation. The way it accomplishes these tasks is through heat. In Sanskrit...
Read moreAlthough we cannot exist without all of the Doshas, Vata is considered their leader, because it governs all movements. It controls blood flow, elim...
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Read moreAccording to Ayurveda, the principles Ritucharya of advocate living one's life according to the flow of the seasons. ‘Ritu’ means ‘season’ and ‘cha...
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